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Application scope: Used to evaluate the ability of vertically installed bundled wires, cables, or optical cables to suppress vertical flame propagation under specified conditions, with the need to cooperate with smoke and dust removal towers during use. The whole machine consists of several parts, including a test chamber, air source, steel ladder, emission purification system, ignition source, etc.
Compliant with standards: in accordance with GB/T18380.31-2008 and IEC60332-3-10-2018 "Fire tests for cables and optical cables under flame conditions - Part 31: Test apparatus for vertical installation of bunched wire and cable flame vertical spread test report", and can meet GB/T18380.32-2008/IEC60332-3-21:21:2000 "Fire tests for cables and optical cables under flame conditions - Part 32: Vertical installation of bunched wire and cable flame vertical spread test A F/R class" GB/T18380.33-2008/IEC 60332-3-22:2000 "Fire tests for cables and optical cables under flame conditions - Part 33: Vertical flame propagation test for vertically installed bundled wires and cables - Class A", GB/T18380.35-2008/IEC 60332-3-24:2000 "Fire tests for cables and optical cables under flame conditions - Part 35: Vertical flame propagation test for vertically installed bundled wires and cables - Class C" GB/T18380.36-2008/IEC60332-3-25:2000 "Fire tests for cables and optical cables under flame conditions - Part 36: Flame spread test for vertically installed bundled wires and cables - Class D".
Contact Person: Miss. Sophia Su
Tel: +86-13266221899