IEC 60811-403 Ozone Resistance Test Apparatus
ASTM1171 Rubber, Vulcanized Or Thermoplastic Resistance To Ozone Testing Machine
Product description:
The Ozone Resistance test apparatus is used to estimate the resistance of elastomeric material and polymeric materials of electric cables to ozone attack .
The test apparatus shall consist of Test Chamber, Ozone Generator with High Voltage source & controller, Air Driers/Purifier, Flowmeter Control, Temperature Controlled Chamber, Glass Apparatus, and Ozone Detector Unit.
- IS 10810 (Part-13)
- IEC 60811-403
- ASTM D 470
- IS 3400 (Part-20) : 1994
- ISO 1431-1/1994 & ASTM 4575
Technical Parameters:
1) The test chamber :be made of a material ozone stainless steel.
2) The test chamber volume: minimum 60 litres,refrigerated chamber, having provision for both heating and cooling
3) The temperature of the chamber: be controlled by a electronic digital temperature indicating controller using a PT-100 sensor.
4) The range of the temperature:from 10°C to 80 °C with control accuracy better than ± 1°C
5) The internal chamber: through a door having an adequate closing mechanism and seal to prevent loss of partial pressure or adversely affect the ozone concentration levels throughout the duration of the test.
6) The door must have a provision or interlock mechanism to prevent the inadvertent opening during the intended duration of the test.
7) The access door shall be equipped with an observation window made up of tempered glass and shall be sealed to prevent loss of partial pressure or adversely affect the ozone concentration during the test.
8) The internal chamber may be equipped with a source of illumination and is intended for intermediate viewing of the specimens.
9) The internal chamber may be equipped with shelves or racks to place specimens and the material of the racks shall not react with ozone preferably stainless steel and the design of the racks shall be in such a way that it minimizes the effect on the introduction, circulation, exchange or exhaust of the air-ozone mixture.
10) Provision for generating, measuring and controlling air-ozone stream concentration and partial pressure is required and the stratification of ozone should be prevented when the air-ozone stream is introduced into the chamber.
- Ozone generator
- Air supply
- Circulating fan
- Glass apparatus
- Test piece carrier
- Exhaust system
- Input Power Supply
- Calibration
- Demonstration